Thursday, January 14, 2016


Over Christmas break, I did something that I haven't done in over a year. We were on vacation (far from the negative wind chills of Iowa). We took the kids (a treacherous task). We sat on the beach and had margaritas (earlier in the day than is socially acceptable). And I read two books! Start to finish! Novels, not textbooks!

You may be wondering why this is significant. Why reading is even more exciting to me than the margaritas on the beach in January. Let me give you some insight...

Distracted. This is how I would describe my every day life, and I'm guessing many other moms/women can relate. I am constantly distracted. And not ever completing anything. And always thinking about something I should/could be doing. Always wondering what I forgot to do. Always worried about things that are not worth worrying about. Oh, and then there's Pinterest and Facebook...

I recently started a new job. It's the perfect job, really. I am teaching Nursing at a community college.  I get to be creative and help students achieve their dreams. It's super rewarding. Great schedule- Christmas break for a month (!), summer vacation (!!), especially for a nurse. I love nursing students- they are the most dedicated, invested, inquisitive, and passionate of all of the kinds of students. However, it is a ton of work. Like, work all day and then bring it home and work all night kind of work. I realize that as the semesters go on, the work load will lighten. But right now I am drowning in textbooks and outlines and powerpoint and exams and emails (the emails!).

I less recently became a mother. 14ish years ago to be exact. Three girls, currently in three different schools, each with their own unique needs/wants/desires pretty much dictate where and when I go somewhere. Rare is the day that I don't rush from work to drive someone somewhere, rush home to make dinner, feed whoever is around, and pick them all back up again. All the while, I am wondering if I got everything done at work or what event is coming up that I haven't prepared for (birthday? board meetings? friends? don't I have some friends?) or if the girls are being scarred by my constant frenzy.

This state of distraction does not lend itself to leisure. And I am often too tired and honestly, too lazy, to do anything but watch the latest episode of The Real Housewives of Anywhere (except Atlanta, too much drama). I'm sure I am killing brain cells, or at least disappointing them. But I am overwhelmed and mindless television is the only thing my brain and I have the energy for at the end of the day.

So yes, reading two whole novels is exciting. I enjoy reading. I feel calm when I'm reading. I feel satisfied when I am reading. I am trying to make more conscious decisions about how I spend my time and how I think about spending my time. Reading a book is a small step in this direction. I believe that as women and mothers, we have taken on too much and have forgotten not only how to take care of ourselves, but how to enjoy ourselves. This blog has a purpose. To help me learn how to regain balance in my life, and maybe your life. To learn how to enjoy things without guilt or distraction. And, to have another place to hang out with my best friend, sister, and co-blogger, who is the coolest person I know.